Sexual harassment is any behavior, verbal or physical, of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, in particular when it creates an intimidating, degrading, or offensive environment. 

The Organic Law for the Effective Equality of Women and Men establishes the obligation of the centers to promote working conditions that prevent sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, and to establish specific procedures for complaints or claims from those who suffer it and for its prevention.

Workplace harassment refers to usual conduct in the workplace which, as a whole, leads to a situation of psychological violence against a specific person. It refers to abusive attitudes that violate the dignity and integrity of the person who suffers them. It can be carried out by someone in a superior, equivalent, or subordinate hierarchical position, and can take place verbally, in writing or through gestures. The Law regulates workplace harassment through the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

Examples of behavior that may constitute workplace harassment are discrimination at work, isolation, abuse of the conditions for performing tasks, work overload or blaming.

Do you have any doubts? Or do you feel any problem? You may contact us at our mailbox:[at] or directly any of these persons:  Iván Cosío, Nieves Iglesias, Fátima Esteban y Silvia Gallego. We will try to help you.

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