At ICMM-CSIC we collaborate with some programs with high schools.
4º ESO + empresa

The program aims to bring the educational system and the world of work closer together. These are educational stays in companies and institutions that help young people to be better prepared to make decisions about their academic and professional future, motivating them and equipping them with the necessary skills. More info (Spanish).
Científic@s en prácticas
Scientific institutions in Madrid have come together in an innovative pilot project to open the doors of their laboratories to ESO students who are enthusiastic about science. This program is aimed at students from disadvantaged areas. Selected students will become researchers for a week and will have the opportunity to experience science first-hand. They will be part of the research team and work with scientists. More info (in Spanish).
Programa Investiga (Fundación San Patricio)
Since 2008, the program has brought the research world closer, delving into current scientific-technical issues in a pleasant way, using "peer learning" techniques and teamwork advised by expert scientists in each area. It also allows you to collaborate in important Spanish research centers and get to know innovative companies and internationally renowned research laboratories. More info (Spanish)