The ICMM COMMISSIONS are integrated by scientists belonging to different research groups and scales, from PhD students to postdocs and professors, which run independently of the directorate with their own resources, being headed by a deputy director. 

The Training and Seminars Commission promotes and coordinates the training activities and it is in charge of planning the ICMM seminar series.

President: Jesús Ricote 
Coordinator: Rafael Jiménez Rioboó 
Ainara Aguadero (Seminars, Colloquia and Lectures in Materials Sciences

Unai Atxitia (Alternative Seminars Joint Seminars) 

Ana Espinosa  (Seminars, Colloquia and Lectures in Materials Sciences

Rui E. Ferreira (Alternative Seminars Joint Seminars)

Sol Carretero (Alternative Seminars Joint Seminars) 

Raúl Gago 

David García Fernández  (Seminars, Colloquia and Lectures in Materials Sciences

Carlos García Rodríguez

Beatriz Hernández Juárez (Seminars, Colloquia and Lectures in Materials Sciences

Sigmund Köhler 

Eva M. Maya (YOUMAT – Young Researchers in Materials Annual Meeting) 

Isabel Montero 

Ángela Rodríguez Bonachera (Communication Unit)

Pedro Serena


The Outreach Commission promotes the activities of dissemination of the research carried out at the centre to the general public in an attractive and inspiring way.

President: Jesús Ricote 
Coordinator: Íñigo Bretos 
Margarita Darder 
Silvia Gallego 
Lidia Martínez 
Rafael Pérez del Real 
M. Concepción Serrano 
Ángela Rodríguez Bonachera (Communication Office) 
Beatriz Pérez
Sol Carretero


The Internationalization Commission generates ideas that improve the ICMM's position on the international scene, encouraging the participation of ICMM researchers in international projects and promoting the attraction of foreign researchers and students.

President: Jesús Ricote 
Coordinator: Sonia López 
Miguel Algueró 
M. Luisa Ferrer 
Ricardo García 
Carmen Munuera 
Juan Rubio 
Tobias Stauber

The Computing Commission coordinates and promotes actions aimed at improving the institute's computation and communication infrastructure.

President: Jesús Ricote 
Coordinator: Pablo San José 
Fernando Agulló Rueda 
Enrique Chacón (cluster comanager) 
Oksana Fesenko 
Jesús González 
Eduardo R. Hernández 
Ceferino López 
Ignacio Martínez
Rui E. Silva
Álvaro Jiménez Galán 


The Occupational Risk and Prevention Commission supervises the activities that warrants the accomplishment of security protocols at the centre.

Amongst others, the mission of the occupational risk and prevention unit includes the supervision of activities and actions to warranty the accomplishment of security protocols at the center (e.g., Self-protection Plan), waste management, training courses and actions to prevent accidents, actualization and information on risk & prevention regulations, etc.

President: Pilar Aranda 
Eva García Frutos 
Elena López Elvira 
Pablo Merino 
Javier Ortíz (maintenance manager) 
Javier Pérez Pablo 
Isabel Sobrados 
Sabino Veintemillas


The Ecological Transition Commission is devoted to the analysis and execution of new actions towards the improvement of the ICMM energetic and resources efficiency.

President: Pilar Aranda 
Coordinator: Carlos Sánchez 
Alicia de Andrés 
Carlos Arroyo 
Ángel Landa 
Javier Ortiz (Maintenance Manager) 
Lorena Pardo 
Bernd Wicklein


The Equity Commission ensures that the institute takes the necessary steps to become a benchmark in terms of equality. 

President: Pilar Aranda 
Coordinator: Silvia Gallego 


  • Agustina Asenjo Barahona 
  • Eider Berganza Eguiarte 
  • Íñigo Bretos Ullívarri 
  • Miguel A. Camblor Fernández
  • Amalia Coro
  • Gülsum Ersu
  • Fátima Esteban Betegón 
  • Ricardo Jiménez Riobóo 
  • Clara López García 
  • Daniel López
  • Daniel Michel Pino
  • Sergio Puebla Herrero 
  • Ángela Rodríguez Bonachera (Communication Office) 
  • Belén Valenzuela
  • Bernd Wicklein
