In the Equity Committee of the ICMM, we never rest: in addition to ensuring that the day-to-day activities comply with the strategic recommendations of the CSIC's III Plan for Equality Between Women and Men (2022), committee members are always brainstorming new initiatives to promote real equality among all individuals within our center's community. This effort extends beyond our walls to disseminate equality and science beyond our immediate surroundings.

Here, you can find some of our most renowned outreach activities, which add to the ICMM's comprehensive catalog. These are initiatives that we strive to keep active throughout the year, not just on specific dates (although our commitment to them doubles on those days).

If you are interested in any of these activities, feel free to contact the committee:

Important Dates in the Equity Commision

The team is committed to commemorating and advocating for significant dates in the fight for equality. Therefore, we always organize activities on February 11th (International Day of Women and Girls in Science), March 8th (International Women's Day), June 28th (International LGBT Pride Day), November 18th (World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Sexual Violence), November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), and December 3rd (International Day of Persons with Disabilities).