The Training and Seminars Commission (CFS, Comisión de Formación y Seminarios) began its activities in the summer of 2022, having among its responsibilities those issues related to the organization of seminars, conferences, etc. at different levels, as well as the organization of different activities aimed at improving the skills of young researchers under formation.
Among the activities carried out is the implementation of seminars/conferences organization protocols. All these activities have been supported by the ICMM Communication Unit, which facilitated their dissemination (web page, social networks, email lists), their on-live broadcast, and their recording and difussion through the ICMM YouTube channel.
Regarding training activities focussed on young researchers, this commission has promoted a scientific conference YouMAT which gathers together the young researchers in training or recent PhDs as well as those seminars with motivational nature on the scientific career, gender issues, soft skills, etc. Facing future activities, it has been proposed a monitoring scheme of those the doctors who have carried out their PhD theses at the ICMM (in coordination with the initiatives that the CSIC VICYT has launched, such as Alumni CSIC), as well as to develop a plan to enhance the integration of the young researchers in the dynamics of the ICMM.
In relation to the formal education schemes, the commission coordinates the different specialization and postgraduate courses that the ICMM offers. The curses portfolio includes these ones: "Emergence of Quantum Phases in Novel Materials", "Photoelectron and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (XPS and AES)", "Frontiers in Materials Science", "Preparation and Characterization of Coatings and Thin Layers". We collaborate in the "Interuniversity Master on Plasma, Laser and Surface Technologies", and from 2022 we coordinate the "Master in Quantum Technologies" of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP). More recently, ICMM has become part of the core group involved in the development of the future Doctoral School on "Industrial Chemistry" of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.