There are two ways to become a user of the ICMM X-Ray Diffraction Service, in self-service mode, and in sample delivery mode.
• Self-service mode: To become a self-service user it is necessary to take a training course on the use of the powder diffractometers offered by the service. It is requested by sending an e-mail to

A summary of what will be explained in the course is available for download. 

Once the course has been completed at the service's facilities and equipment, the following documents must be completed:

  • Accreditation that you have received the course and know the dangers and precautions of the technique. There are two types of documents, depending on whether they are ICMM users or external personnel.
    ICMM user  - External user: This document must be signed by the user and the supervisor.
  • Rules of use and acceptance of the same. Document. 
    This document must be signed in the margin by the user only.

Access to the ICMM X-ray diffractometers reserves board application: here.

•    The mode of measurement by sample delivery: The measurement will be carried out by technical personnel assigned to the service. The following document must be completed:

-    Test request for Powder X-ray diffraction. Document. 
-    Test request for Single Crystal X-ray diffraction. Document