Pint of Science

Pedro A. Serena and Alejandra Traspas, researchers at the Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) are joining the 'Pint of Science' event in Madrid. This is a worldwide science festival that brings researchers to your local pub/cafe/space to share their scientific discoveries with you. The activity is free during May, 13, 14 and 15 from 7PM to 9PM.

Specifically, Serena will talk about 'When your lentils will be supercomputers' on Monday, May, 13, at the Taberna Hamburg Exargia, at the Mercado de San Fernando. Traspas will talk 'From the stellar dust to the supersonic tardigrades' at the Moe Club, also on Monday. 

This edition of the festival, the ninth since it arrived in Spain, "is the most ambitious that Spain has organized so far, with 850 talks in 67 locations," explains Sandra Medrano, a researcher who serves as spokesperson for the event. "For three days, the bars of our cities become improvised laboratories from where the most cutting-edge researchers on the national scene will share the most recent advances in science in Spain," he continues.

In Madrid, Pint of Science will be held in five bars: Café Manuela, Moe Club, Taberna Hamburg Exargia, Citynizer and the emblematic Café Gijón on Paseo del Prado, with a total of 40 presentations that will cover the themes of Planet Earth, Our Body, Atoms and Galaxies, Tech me out, Our Society and Wonderful Mind.

The complete program can be consulted on the Pint of Science Madrid website.

Pint of science

Pint of Science was born in May 2013 in the United Kingdom, when researchers Michael Mostkin and Praveen Paul organized an event in their laboratories in order to show the research they were carrying out on people affected by different mental illnesses. They themselves verified the great impact it had on these patients, and they thought that if people don't go to the laboratories... why not take science to the place where people are, the bars. 11 years later, the event is held simultaneously in 25 countries across the five countries.