Ph. Thesis in Chemistry at Univ. Complutense de Madrid (1984). Post-doctoral stay at the Institut Laue Langevin-Grenoble and the Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires of Grenoble (CEA) (1988-1990: 3 years); in this period I became knowledgeable in neutron diffraction techniques, which would be an essential hub in my career. Academic & Research positions abroad: Research Scientist at the Almaden Research Center, IBM, San José, California: 5 months in 1992 (with Professor J.B. Torrance), were I was initiated in the high-pressure (HP) synthesis techniques of solid-state materials (mainly oxides, at that time). Visiting Scholar at Univ. California-Berkeley, for 12 months in 1999-2000 (with Prof. A. Stacy). Visiting Scholar position at the University of Texas at Austin, for 12 months in 2008-2009, were I had the privilege to work with Prof. J.B. Goodenough, (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2019) in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), developing novel electrode materials, and later on, in Li and Na batteries.
Research Interests: conducted research activity in the field of HP synthesis combined with soft chemistry of transition metal oxides with unusual electronic and magnetic properties, such as metal-insulator transitions (e.g in RNiO3 perovskites), superconductivity (e.g. in infinite layer SrCuO2-type compounds) or colossal magnetoresistance (e.g. in double perovskites Sr2FeMoO6 and derivatives). After my stay in Austin, supervised by Prof Goodenough, I became interested in Energy conversion and storage materials, in particular oxide materials for solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and intermetallic alloys for hydrogen storage, as well as electrolytes and electrodes for Li and Na batteries.
Supervised 13 Ph. D. Thesis (8 in last 10 years); nowadays I currently supervise 3 Ph. D. Thesis. I directed (or Co-directed) 8 Master Thesis, and we received 21 Post-docs and long stay (over one month) visitors to the research group at the ICMM laboratories. He has been referee of research projects of national and international (DOE (Department of Energy, USA), FONCYT (Argentina), NWO (The Netherlands), UEFISCDI (Rumania), Swiss Science Foundation, Finland Acad. of Sciences) agencies. He served in the CSIC Materials Area Committee in 2016-2019. Editor of Materials (MDPI) since 2020.