The Material Science Institute of Madrid, ICMM-CSIC, aims to generate cutting-edge knowledge on materials and processes crucial for addressing societal challenges
Serrano López-Terradas, María Concepción
Tenured Scientist
Materials for Medicine and Biotechnology Group
The research focus of Dr. M. Concepción Serrano is the design and development of biomaterials for applications in Biomedicine. Since 2017, she is a Senior Scientist at the ICMM-CSIC, part of the Materials for Medicine and Biotechnology Group (MaMBIO), and coordinator of the Materials for Health line at that said center. She has been responsible for the creation and operation of 2 cell culture laboratories at the ICMM-CSIC (one of them, the first of the institution, 2011, and the current one validated for biosafety level 2). She is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the Joint Research Unit with CSIC: "Design and development of biomaterials for neural regeneration" of the National Hospital for Paraplegics (2017- present). She has been/is Principal Investigator (PI) of 5 research projects (MS13/0060, MAT2016-78857-R, FET-OPEN ByAxon, PIE202160E060 and PID2020-113480RB-I00), with a total funding of more than 900k euro. She is author of more than 60 scientific publications, 6 book chapters and more than 75 communications at national and international conferences, in addition to being actively involved in outreach activities (more than 35 activities). She is co-editor of the book: "Engineering Biomaterials for Neural Applications" (Springer-Nature, 2021). She has supervised 1 PhD thesis (Ana Domínguez, UCM, 2020) and currently co-supervises another 3 (Ana Arché and Esther Benayas -UAM- and André Girão -University of Aveiro). She has recognition of 2 six-year research periods (2004-2015) and 3 five-year periods (2003-2017). Throughout her research training, she has been granted with various scholarships/contracts from competitive calls such as FPU (2003-2006), postdoctoral assistance abroad (2008-2010), Juan de la Cierva (2010-2013) and Miguel Servet I (2014-2017). Since 2019, she is Associate Editor of the journal "Bioactive Materials", with a JCR impact 14.59 (2020), and actively participates as a reviewer in first decile journals in the Materials Science.