Her scientific work belongs to the fields of Quantum Simulation and Computation, within the research area of Quantum Technologies. The central topic of her research deals with the theoretical analysis of quantum transport in semiconductor quantum dots, one of the pillars in the development of quantum technologies as a potential platform for a quantum computer. Along the years, she has investigated the manipulation of charge and spin qubits in quantum dots with ac electric or magnetic fields (Floquet engineering) in order to implement quantum operations, and also for long range transfer of quantum states in quantum dot arrays. Recently, her work was devoted to analyze the feasibility of semiconductor quantum dot arrays as quantum simulators of complex systems, in particular of topological low dimensional lattices. She also investigates the properties of low dimensional topological lattices, and the role of the edge states for the transfer of quantum information with topological protection.
She is author of around two hundred JCR publications. She was invited by the editor to write a review on ac driven transport in nanostructures. She has leaded several national and international projects, given more than ninety invited talks in conferences and invited to give seminars in several research institutions. She was invited for research stays in different international reference research centers. She has participated in the scientific, advisory or steering committee of more than thirty conferences or workshops and was chairwoman of the ICSNN 2018, a satellite conference of the ICPS (International Conference of Semiconductor Physics). She has advised fourteen PhD students, ten of them follow Academia, she is involved in the Master and PhD programs of the UCM and the UAM Universities. She was awarded with a Mercator Fellow position (CRC 1277) at the University of Regensburg (2017/2021). She got a Distinction by the CSIC for the scientific merits 2017/2018. She has been elected Secretary of the C8 Commission (Semiconductors) of the IUPAP.