Silva R.S., Jr, Gainza J., dos Santos C., Rodrigues J.E.F.S., Dejoie C., Huttel Y., Biskup N., Nemes N.M., Martínez J.L., Ferreira N.S., Alonso J.A.

Chemistry of Materials

35 , 6 , - (2023)

The development of new magnetic refrigerants demands an effective investigation of materials with a large magnetocaloric effect in a wide temperature range. Herein, we report on the structural, magnetic, and magnetocaloric properties of the two-site disordered double perovskite GdSrCoFeO6 prepared by the modified solid-state synthesis method. Temperature-dependent synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that GdSrCoFeO6 crystallizes in the orthorhombic phase (Pnma), with Gd3+/Sr2+ and Co2+/3+/Fe3+/4+ ions randomly distributed on the A- and B-sites, respectively. An observed lattice parameter anomaly around 60 K indicates the occurrence of the magnetoelastic coupling, which coincides with the presence of ferro/ferrimagnetic (FM/FiM) ordering below TC ˜ 65 K from the magnetic measurements. These results match well with our first-principles calculation prediction of low-temperature magnetic (FM/FiM) and electronic (insulating/metal) transitions related to a combined effect of Co and Fe short- and long-range competitions, crossings of spin state at Co ions, and the hybridization degree between Gd-4f and Co-3d states. Additionally, a modified Arrott plot and Kouvel-Fisher analysis were used to establish the nature of the magnetic phase transition in GdSrCoFeO6, yielding the critical exponent ß = 1.46(6)/1.45(6), <U+03B3> = 1.48(5)/1.17(2), and d = 2.01(3)/1.80(5), respectively. The specific heat analysis reveals two well-defined broad peaks (