Dr. Carlos Pecharromán García (Senior Researcher)
Pedro Rodríguez-Pascual García (Research Assistant)
Lab 129 (first floor)
ICMM-CSIC, C/Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 3, 28049 Madrid, España
Bruker Vertex 70V Spectrophotometer with microscope Hyperion 2000: The experimental setup allows to perform spectral analysis on solid samples (both in bulk, film and powder form) in a spectral range from 50 to 18000 cm-1 ( 200 to 0.55 um). Typically the analyses are performed in transmission (KBr, polyethylene or CSI). In addition, adjustable cells are available for diffuse reflection (rough surfaces), specular reflection (smooth surfaces) at normal and grazing incidence (with polarized light), internal reflection spectroscopy (attenuated total reflection, ATR). Small area mapping measurements can also be performed with the Hyperion microscope in both transmission and reflection (ATR, specular with Cassegrain objective and grazing angle).
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Ellipsometer GES 5E from SOPRA, provided with a Xe-lamp and a goniometer, which allows to adjust the angle of incidence on the sample, covering a spectral range from 190 nm to 2000 nm. This Ellipsometer is able to determine the change of the state of polarization of a beam of polarized light produced by the reflection on a polished surface. This technique is especially recommended to determine the thickness and refractive index of thin films (1 nm to 1 micron). It is required a perfectly polished sample with a flat surface. In addition to ellipsometry, it can make photometric measurements at a fixed polarization state (reflectance and transmittance) under variable angle. For this technique, samples must be very smooth.
IR and visible samples can be measured in powdered or solid state. Different analytical techniques are chosen depending on the optical nature of the samples as well as the state. Most of the measurements are non-destructive.
For ellipsometry and reflectometry, samples must be flat and smooth.
More broadly, the service has the following technical means and material assets at its disposal for the fulfilment of its own purposes:
- Spectrophotometers:
Bruker Vertex 70V with Hyperion 2000 Microscope, Bruker iFS 66vs and Jasco UV-Vis V660. Spectrophotometers with attachable Cells (Diffuse Reflection and normal Specular Reflection; Grazing Angle; variable angle Seagull; Transmission and reflection with Hyperion 2000 microscope (4X objective and Cassegrain 15X).
- Techniques:
THZ-IR-NIR-VIS spectroscopy of solids in any sample format (powder, thin film, bulk, etc), IR Microscopy, Spectrometric Ellipsometry, UV-Vis spectrometry.
- Sampling techniques available/scope of measurements/sample types:
Bruker Vertex 70V spectrophotometer with Hyperion 2000 microscope: the experimental setup allows spectral analyses on solid samples (either film, powder, or centimeter fragments) in a spectral range from 50 to 18000 cm-1 (200 to 0.55 mm). Typically, analyses are performed in transmission (KBr, polyethylene or CsI). In addition, adjustable cells are available for diffuse reflection (rough surfaces), specular reflection (smooth surfaces) at normal and grazing incidence (with polarized light), internal reflection spectroscopy (attenuated total reflection, ATR). Small area mapping measurements can also be performed with the Hyperion microscope in both transmission and reflection (ATR, specular with Cassegrain objective and grazing angle).
SOPRA's GES 5E ellipsometer, equipped with an Xe lamp and a goniometer, allows adjustment of the angle of incidence on the sample, covering a spectral range from 190 nm to 2000 nm. This ellipsometer is capable of determining the change in the polarization state of a polarized light beam produced by reflection on a polished surface. This technique is especially recommended for determining the thickness and refractive index of thin films (from 1 nm to 1 micron). A perfectly polished sample with a flat surface is required. In addition to ellipsometry, it can perform photometric measurements in a fixed polarization state (reflectance and transmittance) under variable angle. For this technique, samples must be very smooth.
Jasco V-660 double-beam spectrophotometer using a double monochromator together with a photomultiplier tube as detector. This double monochromator system provides high resolution and high measurement accuracy with a photometric range up to 6 absorbance units, which allows working with samples that hardly transmit.
- Allowed samples:
IR and visible samples can be measured in powder or solid state. Different analytical techniques are chosen depending on the optical nature of the samples as well as their state. Most measurements are non-destructive.
For ellipsometry and reflectometry, samples must be flat and smooth.
Samples can be delivered either directly to the ICMM laboratory or by mail. Samples can be kept in our laboratory under normal, refrigerated, low humidity or vacuum conditions.
The tests performed in a research laboratory such as this one follow a scientific research strategy, which means that they have to be adapted to a large number of problem systems. This makes it impossible to implement measurements governed by specific industrial standards for very specific materials. However, a large number of routine tests (FTIR measurements in transmission or in specular or diffuse reflection, ellipsometry, photometry) are also performed for rapid characterization of samples. The procedures to perform such measurements, calibration (when applicable), together with the way to handle the samples, are written in the manuals and guides of the equipment available in this laboratory
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