Research Professor

Advanced Force Microscopy Methods and Optomechanics

RG applies a combined theoretical and experimental approach to develop advanced force microscopes for the characterization of materials in its broader sense (inorganic, biomolecules, tissues, devices). Currently, RG pioneers the development of 3D-AFM, a high resolution method to characterize solid-liquid interfaces, biomolecules and cells.

RG has made major contributions to atomic force microscopy and nanotechnology. RG improved the operation, the spatial resolution and the topographic contrast of tapping mode AFM (the most popular AFM method). Most, if not all, commercial AFMs incorporate his methods, either by implementing his patents or by using expressions/concepts from his scientific publications. He has pioneered multifrequency AFM, the platform to develop advanced AFM methods. In nanotechnology, he has made significant contributions to the measurement of nanomechanical properties of proteins, cells and polymers and to the development of tip-based nanolithography.

RG is a top 0.2% scientist according to the most comprehensive, rigorous and recent study on scientific impact (2020). RG rank is 180 among the total 75210 scientists whose main subdiscipline is 'Nanoscience and Nanotechnology'. RG rank (whole career) is 17563 among the total 9 M scientists (all disciplines). Based on the impact of his scientific contributions RG Rank is 140 among all the scientists working in Spain (+100000 scientists).

RG has directed 23 PhD thesis (15 male/8 female). His inventions are commercialized by Oxford Instruments. His patents are among the most profitable CSIC patents. In 2020, RG patents generated 7.5% of the total CSIC royalties. RG practises Open Science by developing open source codes to simulate AFM

Prizes and Awards

2019 Beller Lectureship Award, American Physical Society/ USA
2016 Nanotechnology Award, American Vacuum Society/USA
2016 Achievement Recognition Award, CSIC/Spain
2013 ERC advanced grant award, European Research Council
2011 Achievement Recognition Award, CSIC/Spain
2010 Nanotechnology Prize, Regional Government of Madrid/Spain
2007 Fellow, American Physical Society/USA
1990 Best PhD thesis in Physics/Sciences Faculty, UAM, Madrid/Spain