Leni Bascones is a research scientist at ICMM-CSIC expert in quantum materials. Her research explores from a theoretical perspective the complex electronic states which emerge as a consequence of the repulsion between electrons, such as Mott insulators, magnetism, nematicity and superconductivity. She has done important contributions to understanding the electronic properties of Hund metals, and the magnetic and nematic phases in iron superconductors, or the pseudogap in copper based high-Tc superconductors. She is currently interested in understanding the fascinating phases discovered in moiré heterostructures, such as twisted bilayer graphene.
Leni has leaded several research grants, published a few tenths of research articles, and presented more than a hundred research talks. She coordinates the course “Emergence of Quantum Phases in Novel Materials” and has organized several international conferences and symposia, including the first one in the series “The New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”. Leni strongly believes on the importance of bringing science closer to society and she dedicates part of her time to outreach activities at different levels. She is involved in different actions to create a more inclusive scientific environment. She was co-founder and coordinator for several years of Iniciativa 11 de Febrero and at present she is a member of the Equality Committee of ICMM.