The Material Science Institute of Madrid is the largest institute in the materials science and technology area of CSIC. That means we are around 280 people working every day in the same building, eating in the same cafeteria… and, in most cases, ignoring other people we do not have met yet. We wanted to solve this, and we are very proud, because we did it.
What is that person doing in the administrative services who always helps me with patience? What are they doing in the lab in front of mine? Can we collaborate? Do you say that there are almost ten commissions? Do we have a mechanical workshop? How do I access the technical services?
All these questions were answered during our ICMM Days, an ICMM meeting with scientific, technical, and social content, at Buitrago de Lozoya, where we enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxed environment. Also, we had the opportunity to share this experience with some of the members of our International Scientific Advisory Board. As a result, 200 people of the personnel had a great opportunity to meet each other professionally and socially: some discovered commissions they did not know, others started a collaboration... and all of them had fun. See the video below!