Escape Road: Banner

Do you know how many women have won the Nobel Prize in scientific fields? The CSIC centers on the Cantoblanco campus have prepared an exhibition-treasure hunt that showcases the biographies and contributions of these fascinating women, including winners of the Abel Prize and the Fields Medal. You can follow the path marked by a series of questions about their profiles and win a prize if you make it to the end. We also offer the opportunity to rescue from oblivion other great but less-known female scientists who haven't received the Nobel Prize. Are you up for it?

This Escape Road is suitable for all ages. From 9 years old, it can be done independently, and from 6 years old with the help of an adult. We have an English version of the posters to facilitate the participation of non-Spanish-speaking audiences, and we also organize loans for 2-3 weeks for educational institutions from 4th grade to University.

If you are in charge of an exhibition space or engaged in scientific activities, contact us, and we will bring it to you for free. If you want to join any Escape Road we organize, follow us on social media and stay informed about where we're taking it.

In this video, you can see what the activity involves.

If you want to do it on your own, we offer a completely free online version and invite you to try answering these questionnaires online: for the general public (Spanish and English) and children (Spanish and English). Tell us later what the result is! You can share it on social media or via email. We're looking forward to hearing from you!