Visiting PhD Researcher

Optomechanics lab


Irene Colomar Marí is part of the optomechanics group at Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, where she studies the use of photonic crystals for their application as sensors. To this end, she focuses on the design and nanofabrication of these photonic devices and on a measuring system for their characterisation.

In 2020 she obtained her bachelor’s degree on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. During these studies she stayed twice at the Swiss university ‘FHNW’ (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), where she worked on surface chemistry and photochemistry. In 2021 she obtained her master’s on New Electronic and Photonic Technologies at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. During this academic year she joined INTA (‘National Institute for Aerospace Technology’), where she worked with optoelectronic devices for their characterisation. She is also part of the Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2) and has been involved in nanotechnology divulgation projects, among other activities.