We help companies to be more competitive by identifying opportunities based on DEEP TECH technologies

At the Knowledge Transfer Office, we are actively seeking Companies and Foundations interested in:

  • Collaborating with our scientists through R&D and innovation projects to help develop your products and technologies to aim to impact on your business through deep technologies.
  • Licensing out our knowledge, products and technologies.
  • Investors who support deep tech entrepreneurial initiatives. 


Knowledge Transfer Office's objetives de ComunicacionICMM


Contact us

  • If you are a company looking for opportunities to collaborate with our scientists in our capabilities, please, contact us about your particular demands or needs.
  • If you are an ICMM-CSIC Scientist that thinks about creating a spin-off Company, please let us know.
  • If you are an investor or entrepreneur looking for opportunities to invest and to create DEEP TECH Companies, please, contact us: 
