Research Professor

Heterostructures for Optics and optoelectronics

Alicia de Andrés obtained her PhD in Physics from the UAM in March 1987. Head of the Heterostructures group for Optics and Optoelectronics and of the Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory at ICMM. In the last 25 years she has been working on materials with applications in spintronics and optoelectronics. She is a regular user of synchrotron radiation facilities for studies with diffraction, absorption and photoemission techniques since 1988. More recently, she focuses on the design, production and study of 2D materials (graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides) and their symbiosis with nanoparticles for the amplification of optical signals and for the development of sensors applicable in different fields such as the detection of biomolecules. On the other hand, she studies nanomaterials and hybrid perovskites for the emission or transformation of light and for photovoltaic cells.

She is the author of more than 190 scientific papers in WoS international journals and several outreach articles. She has participated in some 34 research projects (21 as PI) from competitive, national, regional and European calls, and in technology contracts with companies. In the last 10 years she has directed 3 doctoral theses and one is in progress.

She has been carrying out R&D management activities for more than 25 years and has participated in the organization of conferences and meetings. She participates in national, regional and local (UAM) as well as European scientific evaluation commissions. She is part of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Nicolás Cabrera Institute (UAM) and is editor of the research journal "Coatings" (MDPI, Basel Switzerland) since 2019.